Why Join?

You automatically become a member of the Canadian Federation of Musicians with all the benefits and protections that it can provide, including the ability to get instrument and liability insurance protection geared to musicians,  help with contracts and help with international travel and work permits.

You are part of an association that works to protect your rights as an artist and your intellectual property, as well as lobbying on behalf of musicians with various levels of government.

The local office can provide “lawyer reviewed” contract forms and, when filed with the local office, the local will back you and help you collect any unpaid performance fees.

The local provides a website where local bands can advertise.

The local will display your CD for sale.

You will receive the newsletter (The Missive) which is published with the minutes of executive meetings and news for the membership. Submissions are welcome and encouraged.

You get a free subscription to International Musician Magazine mailed or sent electronically by email to you.

All this for $124 a year ( 34 cents a day!) plus your dues are tax deductible on your music income.

© 2017 TBMA 591, All rights reserved.